

James Jones was able to do what so many people working within Corporate America dream of: break away and begin a career as a successful entrepreneur. With RaceIQ, James and his team have taken cutting edge securities software and applied to the the automotive industry. Throughout his conversation with Roshawnna, James shares insights in to how RaceIQ is working to provide solutions for the future of ransomware. James’ career journey has seen challenges, just as everyone’s has. Throughout his time working as an entrepreneur and subsequently investor, James has struggled to maintain the ever elusive healthy work/life balance. Developing and maintaining a structure for setting and hitting his goals in this regard is just one of the many insights that James shares in his discussion with Roshawnna. James’ enthusiasm for innovation and technology shines through when he speaks about his work and the pride that he takes in it. He has weathered the storm of startup instability to become an entrepreneurial success and