

This episode of StartUp Funding features Ryan Wilson co-founder and CEO of The Gathering Spot. This lawyer turned co-working space owner shares his entrepreneurial journey from identifying a need to raising $3 million in funding.  Wilson, an Atlanta native, discusses the struggle of finding a place to work and hold meetings when he was working in the community while attending Georgetown University and Georgetown University Law Center. This struggle birthed the idea for The Gathering Spot. He goes on to share the many lessons he learned such as what to pitch instead of your business idea, developing a working business model, knowing your business inside and out as well as, understanding the industry landscape and your competition. “Get started, listen to feedback from potential investors and don’t get discouraged” is just some of Wilson’s advice for other start-ups looking to raise funds. Additional recommendations include: making time for doing things you love, an excellent book to read, the best advice he’s