

Andrew Gowasack is the type of startup CEO that understands the value of listening. Throughout his informative conversation with Roshawnna, Andrew reiterated this point throughout various contexts within his founder journey. In many ways listening is the foundation of Trust Stamp. Andrew talks about the incredible importance of customer discovery and how the diligence that he and his business partner put into this in the early stages has reflected in the market fit that Trust Stamp has been able to demonstrate. Rather than tell the customer what they should want, Andrew and his team at Trust Stamp have done the work to understand their customer’s needs. Through what Andrew describes as ‘micro-services’ Trust Stamp has created a rock solid service that continues to grow at an incredible rate. Andrew is an engaging speaker with thoughtful insights to share about the founder journey. His conversation with Roshawnna is peppered with helpful tips aimed at helping the listener to be the most successful person that