Startup Funding | Learn From Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors And Ceos Of Disruptive Companies

EnrichHER Edition: Blossom with Diamonde Williamson



Roshawnna:                  Hi, I'm Dr. Roshawnna Novellus, host of Startup Funding and producer of the EnrichHer Initiative. I am so excited to be highlighting so many fabulous entrepreneurs from the city of Atlanta. Today we have Diamonde from Blossom. Diamonde:                  Hello. No I'm excited, I really am excited. I like talking. Roshawnna:                  Tell us more about Blossom and all of the awesome work you're doing here in Atlanta. Diamonde:                  So Blossom is a digital television destination for women of color by women of color and it simply came from the fact that I was working in television production myself for actual networks and I would pitch my own ideas and I was rejected so many times. Granted I have no problem with rejection but God was like, "Girl just do it yourself if this is what you really want to do." I've just always been passionate about creating an opportunity for women of color to tell their story and have equal opportunity to do the work that others get