The Thrst

Under The Radar



Don't call it a comeback; call it a comeback episode or the return of your favorite podcast. A new year, but the same raunchiness, the same realness, and your favorite people haven't changed, either. In this brand spanking new episode...the first in over a year...we reveal a few adult interests (read into that) you need to be aware of incase they enter your life unexpectedly, announce instagrandstaning -- a dating trend you're likely (and unknowingly) participating in, deliver an update on cuddle parties, dive into TOP PRIVILEGE, discuss some common myths around oral transactions, and share a few other treats ... including some favorite things for you to consider when focusing on self-care. We're calling it #TreatYoSelfToAFavoriteThing. Of course, we have Messy Connections and The Butcher's Block -- where we shop and suggest you think long and hard about spending your hard earned money with a few companies (looks at: Royal Caribbean, Kohl's, and Office Depot/Office Max). That's all that needs to be said about