Price Projection Room

The Post (dir. Steven Spielberg)



Steven Spielberg's most recent film - The Post - has been wildly anticipated by audiences - especially considering the current challenges in our media and news landscape. Chronicling The Washington Post’s publishing of The Pentagon Papers during the tail end of the Vietnam War and starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep - does the film accurately portray this important time in American History where the very nature of the First Amendment and National Security were in direct contrast? What takeaways or parallels can we draw to today? Find out what our panelists think, featuring host Erroll Southers and guests Ange-Marie Hancock Alfaro,  Jonathan Schwartz and Aubrey Hicks.   Let us know what you think of the film and our conversation at Facebook or Twitter. To listen to the Price Projection Room discussion of The Post click the arrow in the player at the top of this post. Or download and subscribe through Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, or Google Play.   Follow us on Twitter!   @BedrosianCenter, @esouthersHVE, @AngeMar