No, Totally!

49 Voices #6-10 - No, Totally! #123



The second of a ten part series looking at the aftermath of the Pulse shooting in Orlando, solely through the voices of members of the LGBTQIA+ community. In last week's episode, the first, I talked about how and why this project came about, so I won't spend a lot of time repeating that here. If you haven't caught episode one yet, I highly recommend doing so. The feedback that I and the first five interviewees have received has been tremendous over the past week, and I thank everyone who's gotten in touch with me and them via Twitter or elsewhere. On behalf of everyone who consented to participating in this project, I'd like to encourage you, the listener, to share this episode as widely as you're comfortably able to. One thing I heard repeated over and over was massive frustration at the reluctance of major media outlets to present queer voices in an unmediated fashion. This is a small show, so word of mouth is essential to the number of ears that we can eventually reach. Thanks, in advance, for that. The in