Thirty Days - Your First Dollar - With Ed Dale

Solutions Episode - Glenn Mason - Using a Youtube Video as a Minimum Viable Product - Thirty Days Your First Dollar Episode #6



strong>Episode 6 - Solutions Episode - Glenn Mason - Using a Youtube Video as a Minimum Viable Product Lots of good information in this edition Using a YouTube Video as a minimum viable product Why "Scratching an itch" is the key ingredient in 50% of successful start-ups Why email is the "Raw Material" of our "Happy Customer" factory Our first discussion of the "WinterHaven method" - My Nickname for Dean Jacksons revolutionary approach to email marketing What is "User Story Mapping" and how mapping out the clients journey is an incredibly useful exercise Links from this episode Get Dean's book on his email marketing system for free Glenn's web development company The Video that kicked things off The GreyZoned website The Site Glenn built for me! The Your First Dollar book is out!!! You can download the book on the "Your First Dollar System" for free at this link