Thirty Days - Your First Dollar - With Ed Dale

Solutions Episode - A Challenger's $400,000 Dollar Journey - Thirty Days Your First Dollar Episode #8



Episode 8 - Solutions Episode - A Challenger's $400,000 Dollar Journey I can't tell you how much this episode tickles my fancy. Phil Woolgar was a small town paper editor in Canada and heard about the Challenge. He grew his awesome idea into a $400,000 a year a business - His niche is beyond awesome. He did it all through email to start and has only had a proper website for the last 5 months... But not without it's challenges... Facebook was a bust (Wait till you hear why it is!!) The thing I LOVE about the episode is at the end we come up with a killer idea for his business. BUT What I think you'll find interesting is the way we worked up to coming with this idea. Yet again it shows the power of having someone to bounce ideas off. Links from this episode My Essay Writer Where was this when I was at uni!!! Want to join me in Auckland in April on the April 8 and 9 - shoot me an email for the details The Your First Dollar book is out!!! You can download the book on the "Your First Dollar