Trailer Hitch

Episode 93: "Heads Off to You" / Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy Vs. The Reverend / We Are Little Zombies / TitRV: The Hunt



Another couple of weeks of quarantining and... someone's still making trailers?! BLESS YOUR HEART, WHOEVER YOU ARE, CAUSE YOU'RE GIVING US STUFF TO DISSECT. James & Kevin pick sides for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy Vs. The Reverend, and determine if We Are Little Zombies is dead on arrival, and talking about the critical woe of wanting to love something but just not being able to connect with it. Next, another couple of weeks of quarantining and... there still aren't too many new movies! BLESS YOUR HEARTS, WHOEVER YOU ARE, BECAUSE YOU'RE CLEARLY QUARANTINING TOO. As such, James & Kevin take a look at another VOD staple in our trying time: The Hunt. They talk about great fight choreography and why satire is such a tightrope walk.