Rethink True Health With Nathan Brammeier

078 Wardee Harmon | GNOWFGLINS



I can't tell you how excited I was to be able to interview Wardeh "Wardee" Harmon from GNOWFGLINS! Yes, it's a funny name, but it is a wealth of information. I remember about 3-4 years ago making my way through these natural health related websites and I stumbled across GNOWFGLINS. My first thought was "how can a site with such a silly name be informative?". But I liked what the acronym meant: God's Natural Organic Foods Grown Locally In Season. So I read on... My perception changed in a matter of minutes. And since that day, GNOWFGLINS has been a "go-to" resource for me. There are only a handful of websites that I trust for information and this is one of them. So to be able to interview Wardeh was an absolute thrill for me. And you know how it goes. These people that you look up to and respect so much can be a bit intimidating - at least in your own head. But after having the chance to talk with her, I found her to be so thoughtful, caring, and down-to-earth despite all of her success. After listening to thi