Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 44: Let the Past Die



Welcome to episode 44 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Let the Past Die. At long last, The Last Jedi is in theaters and the Scoundrels are ready to share their initial reactions to Rian Johnson's film. However, there is some Star Wars news to cover first.So, get ready for episode 44: Let the Past Die. Recent Star Wars News The recent news largely deals with The Last Jedi. However, there are a few other stories making headlines. First, the pet of one of the stars of The Last Jedi makes an appearance in the film. Tune in and find out who. Also, Disney commenced discussions with Fox to acquires many of its entertainment assets. What does this mean for Star Wars? Dennis, Jay, and Taxus discuss. The Last Jedi Finally, Dennis, Jay, and Taxus are ready to discuss The Last Jedi. The conversation begins with their initial reactions recorded with their friends after their initial viewings. The discussion then turns to their favorite moments, the biggest surprises, and other moments that stood out from the film. Th