Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 45: Balance of the Force



Welcome to episode 45 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Balance of the Force. The Last Jedi provides Star Wars fans with plenty to talk about. In this episode, Dennis, Jay, and Darth Taxus examine the Force and how Rey, Luke, Snoke, and Kylo Ren struggle with the balance. However, there is some Star Wars news to cover first.So, get ready for episode 45: Balance of the Force. Recent Star Wars News Star Wars news continues to be slow in the wake of The Last Jedi and the holidays. However, there are a few stories making headlines. First, an actor with a major role in The Last Jedi actually had a second part in the movie. Tune in and find out who it was and what the other role they played. Also, the early box office returns for The Last Jedi are in. Dennis, Jay, and Taxus discuss the numbers. That's SO Wizard! With another month and a new year, it is time for another edition of "That's SO Wizard!" Jay is back with the latest in Star Wars clothing and lifestyle products. This month, Jay focuses on fitness appa