Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 46: Canto Nights



Welcome to episode 46 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Canto Nights. On this episode, Dennis, Jay, and Taxus continue to analyze The Last Jedi. Previously, the examined the role of the Force. On this episode, the conversation shifts to the Resistance as they discuss Finn, Rose, and DJ's roles in the movies. However, there is some Star Wars news to cover first, and a "surprise" caller beyond that. So, get ready for episode 46: Canto Nights. Recent Star Wars News With The Last Jedi finally settling in, there is other Star Wars news up for discussion. Rebels is nearing completion of production on its final season. Plus, John Williams is contributing more music for Star Wars, and it is sooner than you think. Also, it is awards season and The Last Jedi picked up some nominations while other Star Wars veterans took home some hardware. Canto Nights Once the news is done, Dennis, Jay, and Taxus are ready to discuss the role of Finn, Rose, and DJ in The Last Jedi. This discussion begins with Finn, his motivations