Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 48.5: Jedi Night and Dume



Welcome to episode 48.5 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Jedi Night and Dume. On this Scoundrel's Special Edition, Dennis and Darth Taxus discuss the Rebels' mission to rescue Hera from the Empire and the aftermath. First, they start with "Jedi Night." When Kanan realizes that his feelings for Hera might cloud his judgment as they attempt to rescue her, he asks Ezra to lead the mission. Even though the Rebels rescue their leader, they suffer a grave loss in what is one of the most powerful episodes of Rebels to date.. In "Dume," the Rebels cope with their loss in their own way. Some ride off to crash the Empire's victory parade. Others mourn inside the cave at their makeshift headquarters, and still others get a visit from the Loth-wolves. In the end, the team realizes that their sacrifice resulted in a victory, but they still have work to do. Meanwhile, Thrawn that her ill-conceived attack might have earned a short term victory, but it also potentially cost them a greater long win in the war. The discus