Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 49: The Road to Solo - Stars' End



Welcome to episode 49 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: The Road to Solo - Stars' End. On this episode, Dennis and Taxus continue the Road to Solo with their review of Han Solo at Stars' End. As usual, there is some Star Wars news to cover first. Welcome to episode 49: The Road to Solo - Stars' End. Recent Star Wars News Details concerning the digital and Blu Ray release of The Last Jedi are finally available. Dennis and Taxus discuss when the movie is available for purchase and what extras are included. In addition, the novel and comic tie-in for Solo: A Star Wars story were announced. The Scoundrels discuss what they are what they are looking forward to. Plus, they discuss other recent Star Wars announcements in this episode's news. Skystalking for March After the news, Darth Taxus has another edition of "Skystalking." In this edition, Taxus informs all the Scoundrels where they can find their favorite Star Wars celebrities making convention appearances in the month of March. Han Solo at Stars' End Once