Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 56.1: Burning Seas



Welcome to episode 56.1 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Burning Seas. On this Scoundrels Special Edition, Dennis and Darth Taxus dive into the recent issues of Darth Vader and discuss the "Burning Seas" story arc. The Emperor grows tired of the galaxy speaking with multiple voices and seeks the elimination of the Imperial Senate so that only his voice dictates the will of the Empire. However, making such a change isn't so easy. Therefore, he sends an Imperial fleet to Mon Cala to make an example of the rebellious planet. In addition, he senses the influence of the Jedi in Mon Cala's affairs. Naturally, he sends Darth Vader and his Inquisitorious to handle the situation. Indeed, there is a Jedi involved. Dennis and Darth Taxus discuss whether this Jedi lives up to the Jedi ideal. Or, has this Jedi adopted methods the Jedi Council would frown on? What are the motives of this Jedi, and do the ends justify the means? Plus, what memories does returning to Mon Cala surface for Darth Vader? In addition, what d