Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 57: Scrumrats



Welcome to episode 57 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Scrumrats. On this episode, the Scoundrels continue their discussion of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Before they get back to Solo, they address recent Star Wars news and discuss upcoming Star Wars celebrity appearances. Welcome to episode 57: Scrumrats. Recent Star Wars News Ever since the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story, official Star Wars news has been slow. However, there is news in the world of Star Wars video games. The Scoundrels discuss the recent announcement of new content arriving for Battlefront II this fall. Then the Scoundrels discuss a recently announced Star Wars title arriving next year that promises action and adventure. Skystalking Darth Taxus is back with another edition of Skystalking. This week, Taxus has rounded up all the Star Wars celebrity appearances for July. Although the best location for Star Wars celebrities in July might be in London, there are plenty of other opportunities to snag an autograph. Tune into Skystalking and