Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 65.3: The Triple Dark



Welcome to episode 65.3 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: The Triple Dark. On this Scoundrels Special Edition, Jay and Dennis continue the discussion of Resistance with a look at the second episode of the series. The Triple Dark "The Triple Dark" begins with Kaz continuing to make his own way on Colossus Station. Kaz is eager to begin his mission for a spy for the Resistance. His initial efforts at spying meet with less than desirable results. However, he overhears a communication about the Triple Dark, and when he learns it is a storm later, he begins to put things together. Can Kaz successfully aid the Aces in defending Colossus from a pirate raid? During their review of "The Triple Dark," Dennis and Jay take a critical lens to the show. What is currently working for Resistance? Where does it falter. In particular, Dennis and Jay identify a couple of tropes they found annoying. Plus, is the tone more similar to Looney Tunes than Star Wars in places? Despite the faults of "The Triple Dark," this episode