Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 66.1: The High Tower



Welcome to episode 66.1 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: The High Tower. On this episode, Dennis is flying solo (pun intended) with a review of latest episode of Star Wars: Resistance, "The High Tower." The High Tower The latest episode of Resistance begins with Colossus Station rationing power due to a fuel shortage. Without power to work, Kaz, Tam, Neeku, and BB-8 visit Aunt Z's for drinks. Before long, Kaz meets Hype Fazon, the Rodian Ace pilot. Hype is an old acquaintance of Tam, and he invites them to the High Tower. Kaz can't pass up on the opportunity to spy on the First Order, which just arrived on the station with a fuel shipment. This episode sets up a lot of possibilities for Resistance going forward. Is Captain Doza in league with the First Order? Kaz's skills as a spy improved, but is he capable of succeeding? Why does the First Order want Colossus Station so badly? Dennis shares his observations on these points and more during his analysis. Thanks for tuning into episode 66.1 of Starships,