Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 67.3: Synara's Score



Welcome to episode 67.3 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Synara's Score. On this episode, Dennis, Jay, and Darth Taxus take a look at the infiltration of Colossus by the pirate Synara.  This is a full discussion of all plot points of the episode. Synara's Score "Synara's Score" finds Kaz, Tam, and Neeku frantically working in the hopes of repairing the targeting system for Colossus. They are on a tight deadline. The Ace pilots are due for a mission, and Colossus will be defenseless if the tracking system for Colossus's cannons aren't online. When a key component breaks, they have no choice but to head to the salvage yard and ask Synara for a replacement. Of course, Synara is a pirate that infiltrated the station. She senses and opportunity. On episode 67.3, Dennis, Jay, and Taxus discuss recurring plot themes in Resistance, Tam's past, her growing friendship with Synara, and the overall plot of the show moving forward. Thanks for tuning into episode 67.3 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: Synara's Sc