Starships, Sabers, & Scoundrels

Episode 74.1: The Core Problem



Welcome to episode 74.1 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels: The Core Problem. On this episode, the Scoundrels are discussing the latest episode of Resistance as Poe Dameron and Kaz investigate some mysterious activities from The First Order. After identifying an area of space in the Unknown Regions that has an unusual amount of First Order activity, Poe and Kaz arrive and find things are not right at all. In addition, the First Order isn't anywhere to be found either. What is going on and what does it mean for the Resistance and the galaxy? The Core Problem On this episode, Dennis, Jay, and Taxus discuss the following: Poe's return to Colossus Station and meeting with Kaz, Avoiding First Order detection while leaving Colossus, Gravity wells, problematic Star Wars physics, and whether it matters, A new First Order probe droid, and How "The Core Problem" grounds Resistance in the Star Wars timeline. "The Core Probelm" continues a string of entertaining episodes of Resistance. The Scoundrels have a lot to sa