21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP88 Tracking Your Team's Mood



Can you visualise the mood of your virtual team? Yes, you can, with the tool today's guest is creating. Pilar talks to Melanie Pürschel about how she's building the Mood Matrix. Introduction Pilar is running with Judy Rees a course on delivering your workshops online. More info here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/flipping-the-online-classroom-delivering-your-workshops-online-six-90-minute-classes-tickets-26919136863 More information on the Mentoring Group for Managers and Leaders of Virtual Teams here: http://virtualnotdistant.com/virtual-not-distant-mentoring-group/ Thanks to Saros Research! If you would like to get paid for your opinion on products, register with Saros through this link: https://www.sarosresearch.com/participate/join-saros-research/?id=100243   The Conversation with Melanie Pürschel Melanie explains what the Mood Matrix is. How will the experience be in a team using this tool? It works well as an early warning system. The Mood Matrix shows how the mood is changing. You then need to us