21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP95 When Agile meets OpenSpace



If you're interested in running sessions which are completely relevant to the people attending them, this is the episode for you. Pilar talks to facilitators Michael Herman and Mark Kilby about their experience working together. Introduction Loads of announcements today: Open course on leading remote teams: http://virtualnotdistant.com/training/leading-remote-teams-course/ Join Virtual Team Talk. https://virtualteamtalk.com/ 8th December workshop in London on Managing Remote and Virtual Teams. http://www.thehubevents.com/events/managing-remote-and-virtual-teams-141/ Remember you can listen also to Management Café podcast, about leading teams. https://managementcafepodcast.com/ The Art of Podcasting - a masterclass on finding your voice and podcast format. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-art-of-podcasting-tickets-28290435454   This podcast is sponsored by Saros Research. If you want to give your opinion and get paid for it. https://www.sarosresearch.com/participate/join-saros-research/?id=100243   The Con