21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP110 Security in Remote Teams



We talk about protecting our work when working outside the office.  INTRO and Catch-up Duncan featured us! http://banoffeesolutions.co.uk/archive/podcasts-for-remote-working/ Programming and Data Science blog by Duncan Thomson We recommend that you watch The Newsroom Join us for Virtual Team Talk.  Sococo has a new "meetings" feature, which makes it easy to organise meetings in the space and also to tap someone on the shoulder to let them know you want to talk to them, and they can easily refused. The Main Conversation We're looking at security from three points of view. From the organisation: Can I trust the people? Can i trust the tools? And for both organisations and individuals "Am i/Are we safe?" Having a policy.  Remember that people can look over your shoulder and read your emails... Can employees from the external tools we use read our data? Business Daily Protecting Your Online Data, 1 Feb 2017 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04qnwh4 In Business How Safe Are your Secrets Aug 2016 http://www.b