21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP114 How Remote Work affects Office Life (part 1)



In this episode, Pilar and Lisette talk about how having a remote set-up and a flexible workforce affects how we work in the office. 55mins  visit www.virtualnotdistant.com What is "remote" anyway? Even people working across different floors perceive themselves as being distant from each other. Another great advocacy point for adapting the office to remote working. It will benefit teamwork that happens across floors, not just those working outside the building. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/SupportingDistributedTeamwork.pdf Where is the information rather than who has the information. http://blog.idonethis.com/remote-company/ This doesn't just make us more productive, it also stops hierarchies forming around who holds the information. Not to mention that people can leave on holiday (or leave the company) without leaving gaps of information in the team. Can some behaviours around availability and reflection become more acceptable? It seems to be more acceptable not to b