21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP124 These are a Few of Our Favourite Tools



In this episode, Pilar and Lisette share their favourite online tools and why they work for them. Can you add any to the list? visit www.virtualnotdistant.com How important are tools? Get out your pen and paper - or your favourite note-taking app! Lisette mentions HuddleWall (though she hasn't tried it out yet). TRELLO We talk about Trello!!!!! (Planner is the Microsoft 365 version.) Find out more about Trello and the company behind it in episode 68.  http://virtualnotdistant.com/trello-and-coffee/ SOCOCO To find out more about Sococo: #118 What Virtual Coworking can Teach Virtual Teams https://www.virtualnotdistant.com/podcasts/lessons-virtual-coworking.com Join Virtual Team Talk www.virtualteamtalk.com IDONETHIS For narrating the work. What do you prefer: to know about people's tasks or their thinking process? Take diversity into account when selecting your tools.  Spying vs Working Out Loud Narrating the work shouldn't be linked to Performance Management, or else it becomes something else...  P