21st Century Work Life - Remote Working, Virtual Teams And Flexible Working

WLP130 Catching Up with the World of Work



In this episode, Pilar and Lisette discuss a few articles that have caught their eye over the past weeks.  (1) Pilar and Lisette discuss a worrying new statistic: one in five employees in the UK are afraid to ask their managers to move onto flexible working. What's going on? Articles about flexible working: http://www.bmmagazine.co.uk/news/one-five-employees-afraid-ask-flexible-working/ https://www.fastcompany.com/3059295/inside-three-companies-that-are-innovating-flexible-schedules https://cms.aviva.com/media/upload/Aviva_Working_Lives_Report_2017_INTERACTIVE.pdf (2) We talk about Apple's new headquarters. The dangers of silos vs a great place where people want to work. Can buildings adapt as fast as they need to? The article about Apple’s New HQ https://hbr.org/2017/06/why-apples-new-hq-is-nothing-like-the-rest-of-silicon-valley (3) Article on the perils of being the only remote worker. The need to have empathy with those who are remote when most of us are collocated.  https://www.hanselman.com/blo