Owning Her Health Podcast

The Best PreGame Birthing Method



Better Birthing Method creator Madelaine Golec PT, M.SC.PT, B.A(Hons)is the Owner of ECO Physiotherapy up in the lovely Canadian city of Mississauga, Ontario. Episode 58 discusses how a Registered Physiotherapist/ Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Madelaine has been actively furthering her education and manual therapy skills to better serve her clients because of her own active studying through healing. Always reading or researching while also knowing the benefits of wellness as a mom, life partner, and woman owning her life, the story unfolds from a B.A. in medical archeology, into an Entrepreneur following her dad down the path of physiotherapy but it was not as straightforward as one would think.  Madelaine curved by taking her own bout of chronic post-surgical intercourse pain into a dance of her own Better Birth Method, quite a nice full circle for this one-time competitive ballroom dancer.  That recovery opened her eyes to a world of potential helping moms recovery their quest for a fully functional form and