Glass Box Podcast

Ep 75 — Church changes Bishop’s Handbook, MOF part 3



Last December, the church made some changes to the bishop’s handbook that bear a closer look, poor beleaguered Bryce gets to take on the 3rd segment of MOF, and then we’ll relieve EVERYONE’s thoughts with some lovely news from Canada. And please, be prepared. Not only is this an incredibly long episode but we also need to give you a content warning. We will be discussing one of the worst chapters in MOF and it might be painful. Shannon will also be reading a bit from her mission journal. Get a punching bag ready, if you need it, tissues on hand if you need them, and remember to pause and walk away if you need to. We’re all in this together.  Show Links:  Main Topic: Policies On Prejudice, Seeking Info From Credible Sources Added To Church Handbook:  Happy News: Canadian MP’s pass historic bill banning conversion therapy: