How Rude! The Full House Podcast

91. Fuller House (2016) - The Legend of El Explosivo / Ramona’s Not-So-Epic Party



Emma Robertson is a staunch defender of 'Mrs. Doubtfire' and believes that anyone who can accept a film like 'Superman' shouldn't disrespect Robin Williams' greatest achievement. And hey, creepy bar patrons? Why don't you keep your insipid questions and compliments to yourself? Try that for a change, dumdums! Emma joins us in the studio to discuss both The Legend of El Explosivo and Ramona's Not-So-Epic Party. In the former, Max and Jackson get into all kinds of shenanigans during a Mexican wrestling match. n the latter, Ramona turns 13 and everyone is failing in the love department. Also on deck: Emma's personal experience with Mexican wrestling, Aladdin on ice, and dealing with leather-faced scarecrow drunks. It's a hoot from start to finish so tuck in with a mug of room temp cake soup and hit play already! XOXO