How Rude! The Full House Podcast

143. Stephanie's Wild Ride



Lisa Beasley has mastered the escalators and navigated the mall and its many splendors. She is between five and six Subway sandwiches high and was slash is a fan of Full House, so does that make her an honorary Rude Dude? Yes, of course it does, you dumb dummy. She's great! We were so happy to have her by our side as we watched and discussed "Stephanie's Wild Ride", in which Steph and Gia meet a pair of impossibly stupid high school boys and Michelle's hazily defined video game becomes an obsession for the adults in the Tanner home. We also take time to marvel at the casual viciousness of childhood slang and tell stories we would have never told our parents when we were still in our youth, so stay tuned! Never let your mind wander from this podcasting greatness for a second! XOXO And remember, we're aiming for 100 reviews in the iTunes Store, so don't abandon us in our hour of need. Write. Those. Reviews! We're at 95!