Winners Wallets And Worldviews

Episode 119- Hollywood Success Tactics with Debra Wanger



Today, Aaron introduces you to Debra Wanger, an actor, singer, and certified Human Potential Coach. Debra has worked in the film and theater industries, help to guide well-known actors’ careers, such as Halle Berry and Antonio Banderas, and has an Amazon Best-Selling Book, The Resilient Actor, and a just released CD, Driving My Own Heart. She is a sought-after speaker, and has done and seen it all. Tune in to hear her speak on the darker secrets of working in the film industry, the challenges she has experienced, and the success tips she provides on being able to compete in the top industries.      Debra Wanger The Resilient Actor Driving My Own Heart Facebook- Debra.Wanger Twitter- debrawanger Instagram- debradiva