Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Foundations of Health: 4 Essential Supplements-- #004


Synopsis Lucinda Harms is a pharmacist and the Director of Pharmacy at Advance Health and CarePro Compounding.  She often finds herself recommending supplements to patients who come in for a prescription, gluten-free foods, or other things at Advance Health.  This is because we have such depleted diets in this country that it’s really difficult if not impossible to get all the nutrients we need from our diet.  That is why it is common for her to make a recommendation for good quality supplements to address her patients’ health concerns, to replenish nutrients that are depleted by the drugs they are taking, or to prevent or treat a condition that they have. I met Lucinda when I was doing my post-doctorate community practice residency in Iowa and it was the first time I was exposed to integrative health, which set me on the path to where I am today ☺ In today’s show, Lucinda and I chat about: What is compounding and integrative health The 4 Key Supplements to Help You Build a Solid Foundatio