Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Healing Lyme Disease through Food and Natural Remedies



Welcome!  My guest today is Dr. Greg Lee, one of the co-founders of Two Frogs Healing Center in Frederick, MD.  This episode was prompted by a listener request for more information about Lyme disease.  Greg has become an expert at successfully treating patients with Lyme disease after beginning his career in the totally unrelated field of aerospace engineering.  Join me for Greg’s amazing story! Greg details the following about his life’s journey and work: Three simple words catapulted Greg into his current path: “FOLLOW YOUR BLISS.” Greg focused on patients’ chronic illnesses, treated his first Lyme patient 17 years ago, and has treated hundreds since then. Greg and a colleague developed a treatment protocol for Lyme disease that is based on customization for each patient. Greg learned the benefits of detoxification treatments from a colleague in Portland, OR, who specializes in traditional Chinese medicine. Some of Greg’s Lyme treatments include electrodermal scans, genetic analyses, cupping, herbal treatm