Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Adrenal Fatigue and the 7 Pillars of Vibrant Health - FAM #46



Welcome!  My guest today is Dr. Ritamarie, who is a specialist in endocrine imbalances.  She focuses on thyroid, adrenal, and insulin issues, and is here to discuss adrenal fatigue.  She has a long and rich history of working with patients in the area of nutritional endocrinology. As a young person, Dr. Ritamarie suffered from adrenal fatigue and leaky gut issues but she never connected the symptoms with her unhealthy lifestyle.  She suspected the connection and did research on her own, then started cleansing and rebuilding her system on her own.  She has had NO sugar or caffeine for 30 years!  Her passion became teaching others what she had learned about health and nutrition. Dr. Ritamarie discusses the following topics: There is a connection to adrenal imbalance, thyroid issues, blood sugar imbalance, and digestion. She founded the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology to train health practitioners. There are some common patterns, but also some unique differences in the symptoms of adrenal imbalance.  She