Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Healing Naturally for Life and Business



Welcome!  My guest today is Ryan Lee, who is someone I’ve followed and respected for several years.  He is known online as someone who helps people build lifestyle entrepreneurship.  His background is in recreational therapy, fitness, exercise physiology, and personal training.  He started his internet business in 1999 and soon began teaching fitness trainers how to build their brand.  Ryan has since branched out into other areas as well.  He works from home and prioritizes spending time with his wife and four kids.  Ryan is here primarily to discuss how he healed himself of health challenges by bucking the traditional system of medicine.  Join us to learn more! Ryan discusses the following: Ryan knows how difficult it is to maintain a balance between work and other areas of life.  He prioritizes family time and creates an environment for success.  He recommends two books that have been instrumental in his life. Ryan’s symptoms included pain in his fingers and toes and extreme fatigue.  He saw a rheumatologi