Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Graves Disease, Hashimoto's and Hormone Imbalance with Magdalena Wszelaki



Welcome! My guest today is Magdalena Wszelaki, who is a certified nutrition coach and an expert in hormone health. She creates beautiful recipes for healing yourself naturally using food as medicine, which is what this show is all about! Join us! Magdalena shares the following about hormone health: Magdalena’s personal journey includes struggling with hormones, Graves disease, dominance, and Candida. Healing starts with the gut! The first steps for Magdalena were to combat Candida, heavy metals, and parasites. Journaling is an important step in becoming your own health detective. Retraining the mind is part of the healing process. Cravings are the body’s way to tell us what it needs. The different cravings you experience are evidence of mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Magdalena’s favorite ways to approach hormone balance focuses on the three aspects of digestion, liver, and sugar levels. The health of your gut bacteria directly relates to estrogen levels. Onions, garlic, parsley, and cruciferous vegetables