Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Everything You Need to Know to Go Dairy Free with Alisa Fleming



Welcome! My guest today is Alisa Fleming, who is a great resource for people who want to go dairy-free. She’s here to share her knowledge and expertise. Join us! Alisa shares the following about her experience with dairy: Alisa was allergic to milk as an infant, but never knew it until adulthood. She spent her childhood and early adulthood being sick to the point of having an ER visit about once a week—all because of the allergy to milk protein! Alisa HAD to make the change to dairy-free in a time when not a lot of information was available She started a website about ten years ago to share helpful information with others. Common symptoms of milk allergy include digestive issues, acne, restless leg syndrome, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and narcolepsy. The proteins in different milks affect people differently. About 40% of people allergic to cow’s milk can tolerate goat’s milk! Great substitutes for milk include almond, cashew, and coconut milk. Coconut milk works great for cooking and baking. Alisa shares he