Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Healthy Family Meal Planning with Elaine De Santos



Welcome! My guest today is Elaine De Santos, who struggled with health issues with her family until they took the steps to get healthy together. She is committed to helping families make the changes to get healthy. Elaine created an online meal planning tool with delicious, chef-created recipes that take 30 minutes or less to prepare. The ingredients are easy to find and recipes can be adjusted according to serving sizes. Her website can help you create shopping lists, too. Check out the Resource section below for more information! Elaine shares the following about her journey: Elaine’s family (husband and two young children) was full of health issues, including coughs, congestion, breathing issues, eczema, and migraines. Elaine’s wake-up call came one morning when intense pain prevented her from getting out of bed. The problem? Shingles! “There HAS to be a better way!” Elaine found a local MD who practiced integrative medicine and began listening to podcasts and radio shows for more information. Her husband