Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

The Truth About Gluten with Dr. Tom O'Bryan



Welcome! My guest today is Dr. Tom O’Bryan, who is an internationally-recognized speaker and workshop leader about the health dangers of gluten. He is the founder of and a visionary behind the paradigm shift at The Gluten Summit: A Grain of Truth. In this summit, 29 leading experts on gluten diseases and disorders met to discuss the issues. Check our resources below to find out more about the summit. Dr. Tom is here to discuss the complications of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, and autoimmune disease. Join us for this informative conversation! Dr. Tom discusses the following: Dr. Tom became known as “The Gluten Expert” after he and his wife successfully beat infertility 36 years ago by following the advice of 7 holistic health experts. His fame spread as he was able to help friends and neighbors with health issues by following the same program and helping hundreds of couples beat infertility. EVERY couple that he worked with had food sensitivity issues, and they were “throwing g