Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Vitality Through Detox



Welcome! My guest today is Fran Sussman, a holistic practitioner since 1993 who has helped thousands of clients reclaim their health and vitality. She teaches people to heal their gut, balance hormones, reduce inflammation, heal their brains, combat Lyme disease, and much more. Her personal journey includes a full recovery from breast cancer and Lyme disease. Now, at age 62, Fran is grateful to live a life rich with purpose, joy, health, and vitality. Fran has a thriving private practice where she teaches online courses, including her Zen Vitality Detox, which integrates nutritional guidance, health retreats, and simple practices with huge payoffs for mind, body, and spirit. Join us! Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode: How Fran’s early interest in nutrition and the health problems of her two children prompted her journey as a holistic practitioner When traditional medicine didn’t have answers for her children, Fran did her own research and found natural solutions. It wasn’t long before others started a