Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

The 4 B's of Insulin Resistance: Signs and Symptoms



  Welcome! My guest today is a repeat guest, Dr. Ritamarie, who is licensed in chiropractic, with certifications in acupuncture, nutrition, and herbal medicine. She specializes in thyroid, digestion, adrenal, and insulin imbalances. She has spent the last 20 years developing systematic ways of looking at the body and cracking even the most difficult health cases. She has found that insulin resistance is the cause of more than 50% of health problems! Let’s catch up with Dr. Ritamarie! What you’ll hear in this episode: Do you know the symptoms of insulin-resistance? Follow the Four B’s: belly fat, brain fog, burnout, and blood sugar imbalance. Why is insulin-resistance so important? It can cause cancer and cardiovascular diseases! Think of the standard American diet: full of breads, pasta, and sugary drinks. Increased sugar and insulin are stored as FAT! Dr. Ritamarie shares personal stories of the untimely deaths of her own parents. The blood tests that reveal insulin-resistance are fasting blood sugar and he