Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

Organic Gardening for Beginners



Jackie Beyer grew up on Long Island about 20 miles from NYC. During her junior year in college she met her husband on a mountainside and they have been happily married for almost 25 years now! They live in a small cabin but her husband Mike is the resident baker and gardener. He grows a huge garden every year. Jackie is an artist and journalist who helps around the garden. She launched the Organic Gardener Podcast in January 2015. Jackie talks to amazing guests who are dedicated to eating and growing healthy nutrient dense food and protecting our planet.   Now in today's show with Jackie we talk about.....  Planning for your garden: What are the best to plant, and when What is the best type of garden to have for beginners How to make sure you have good soil How to test your soil to see what micronutrients are in the soil Which manure is good to use for your compost and which one you should NOT use An alternative to using manure  And more OK, let’s go chat with Jackie! Resources: Jackie's Website: http://