Maccax Uncensored

#13 - Work Experience



MX PLUS - Launching in 7 days. Great question on The Iron War and the different strengths & weaknesses of Mark Allen & Dave Scott compared to Macca's career. Chris & MG discuss the latest race results plus who to watch out for this year in Kona and give some advice to 70.3 legend Terenzo Bozzone.  Races Discussed .. Tour De France Kitzbuhel ITU Kona 2013 Challenge Copenhagen Ironman Frankfurt Challenge Roth Ironman Austria Challenge Phuket Athlete Mentions ... Ben Hoffman Terenzo Bozzone Pete Jacobs Michael Murphy Sebastian Kienle Miranda McCafre Marino Vanhoenacker Craig Alexander Manny Pacquiao Mark Allen Dave Scott Tim Deboom Lance Armstrong Cadel Evans Johnny Brownlee Jarvier Gomez Kris Gemmel Virginia Berasategui Questions:  Another Pro tested positive for drugs! What's your take on this?  Macca, is your approach more like Mark Allen or Dave Scott?  I'm getting back pain when racing and coming right out of T1