Maccax Uncensored

#26 - Ask Macca Anything



Joanne Baxas Best and worst thing about living in Thailand Noel Fenn Why does life get in the way? Tim Ford Norseman... How is it looking? Competing or completing? Mike Robinson Is the burning sensation a good or bad thing? Noel Fenn What's your best recovery tips for a iron distance race completed by someone who is barely conditioned to sprint distance race. **Spreecast must be done before Port Mac!** Adrian O'brien Dehydration problems. How to hydrate before race day. I suffered again at mile 16 doing a marathon yesterday. Any tips? As I've another marathon in a few days Brett Murray Are you going to have a cracked at any more big races? Bahrain, Oman, triple crown, or have we seen the last of Macca at the elite level and now just going to dominate the same bloody age group as me!!! For the next 20 year's I'll bet. Deirdre Robbins How much electrolytes do you take per hour and is there a way to tell how much is best for each person Caroline Steffen How organized are ya before a big A race? ...  Adrian O'bri