Hank Watson's Garage Hour Podcast

05.17.14: Gearhead Questions for Larry Wilske (Congress: CA's 53rd), San Diego Fire Report, P2K's Listener Giveaway, And An Angry Letter to the NFL



The Garage Hour goons welcome Larry Wilske to KCBQ's gleaming black tower of broadcast superiority. The retired Navy SEAL Command Master Chief is running for California's 53rd congressional district, and to make sure our listeners know the guy, we asked the questions our listeners would: Ford V Chevy, chicken V steak, Ukraine V South China Sea, and bacon V the world. We include Larry in a wide-ranging chat about San Diego's powerful response to the May firestorm, as well as discuss P2K Range's gun safe/membership giveaway. This is also the episode in which host Justin Fort unloads both barrels on the politicization of the NFL, and how it's ruining football for football fans. Before you groan, don't worry - Larry was a great guest (with help from .45 Phil and Doc Fred Simon, candidate for the 52nd), with a SEAL's-eye view of government that you will find inspiring.  Larry's working to unseat unrepentant leftist and Pelosi acolyte Susan Davis, who's been in the 53rd for years with very little to show for it, an