Learn To Code With Me

S4E10: Tech Advocacy, Community and Conferences With Bridget Kromhout



Bridget Kromhout is a DevOps professional with a passion for giving back to her community. In her professional working life so far, Bridget spent 15 years as an operations engineer, and now works at Microsoft as a Principal Cloud Developer Advocate. Her spare time is full of tech-related and volunteer activities: she leads the worldwide conference organization Devopsdays, runs community tech events in her home city of Minneapolis, co-hosts the Arrested DevOps podcast, and frequently participates in tech conferences as both a speaker and committee member. In our conversation, Bridget talks about how she worked her way through college, what the day-to-day of being a tech advocate looks like, her experiences attending, chairing, and speaking at tech conferences, and the various side projects she's involved in to do her part in helping others. See the full show notes on the Learn to Code With Me website. Thank you to this episode's sponsors: Make School Flatiron School