Learn To Code With Me

S4E15: How to Teach Yourself Data Science With David Venturi



David Venturi is a former chemical engineer who began pursuing a tech career in 2015 and found a passion in data. Recently, David used online resources to create a personalized data science master's program, to help others learn data analysis in a well-structured way. The program encompasses courses from top institutions including Harvard, MIT, and Stanford, and focuses on topics like machine learning, software engineering, and back-end development. David also works at Udacity, where he creates and teaches his own courses on data analysis. Today, we discuss the importance of going for your passions, how he came up with the idea of building a personalized master's program, how to teach yourself data science, and how to stay positive and disciplined while teaching yourself tech skills. See the full show notes on the Learn to Code With Me website. Thank you to this episode's sponsors: Interview Cake Firehose Project