Learn To Code With Me

S4E16: Coding Bootcamp or College Degree? With David Yang



David Yang is the co-founder and lead instructor at Fullstack Academy, and has 17 years of programming experience. The summer after graduating high school, David became the youngest software engineering intern to ever be accepted at Ernst and Young, and went on to earn bachelor's degrees in computer science and electrical engineering. Before founding Fullstack, he worked as a software engineer at Microsoft and Yahoo, among other companies, and taught at Columbia University as an adjunct professor. In our conversation, we talk about whether a coding bootcamp or college degree is the best choice for aspiring techies. He tells his own story, including what led him to create Fullstack, and gives advice on how to prepare for coding bootcamps, succeed, and impress employers after graduation. See the full show notes on the Learn to Code With Me website. Thank you to this episode's sponsors: Interview Cake Flatiron School